Ripon Cathedral Choir singing a service

Notes from our Ripon Gathering

October 2023

By Rosemary Downey, Regional Coordinator for Scotland, the North & West

This Gathering on Saturday 14th October was arranged to tie in with the Patronal Festival and Alumnus Evensong at Ripon Cathedral. Thirty Friends registered for the event but there were many more attending as Alumni to sing with the Choir. The afternoon began with a short organ recital given by Assistant Director of Music, Tim Harper. Tim played a wide range of music, including pieces by Ron Perrin, Philip Wilby and Peter Tranchell, all with close links to Ripon Cathedral. This was followed by a grant presentation by Future Leader, Lizzie Leather, in support of the role of Choir Administrator, ably held by Laura Jones.

Following tea and cake, Dr Ronny Krippner, Director of Music, gave an inspirational talk about music at Ripon through the ages up to the present day. Ronny explained that when he arrived there from Croydon Minster in early 2022, the Choir School had just closed and there were 5 boys in the choir. Now there are 27 boys, and a girls choir of 39.  He has introduced early morning rehearsals, which has been successful, despite many of the children having to travel some distance. He did admit that at times he feels like a youth worker!

A rehearsal for Evensong then took place, followed by the Festal Evensong itself, which was extremely well attended – the nave was nearly full. The service was a wonderful musical experience, featuring nearly one hundred singers in the choir! The music included Clucas Responses, Stanford in C, Bairstow's 'Blessed City, Heavenly Salem', which sent shivers down the spine, and two well-known hymns. The Precentor, Canon Michael, closed the service with some very fitting prayers.

My sincere thanks go to our Local Contact in Ripon, Graham Jones, for his tremendous help in organising this event, to Dean John, Canon Michael, Canon Matthew and the development team for all their support, and especially to Dr Ronny and Tim for making this a most successful gathering.



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